Recent Conference Talks

All of my talks, including slides and feedback ratings, can be found on

Hacking Your Way to Better Security

ZendCon 2016

This talk educates developers on common security vulnerabilities, how they are exploited, and how to protect against them. We'll explore several of the OWASP Top 10 attack vectors like SQL injection, XSS, CSRF, and others. Each topic will be approached from the perspective of an attacker to see how these vulnerabilities are detected and exploited using several realistic examples. We'll then apply this knowledge to see how web applications can be secured against such vulnerabilities.

Hacking Your Way to Better Security

PHP South Africa 2016

The goal of this talk is to educate developers on common security vulnerabilities, how they are exploited, and how to protect against them. We'll explore several of the OWASP Top 10 attack vectors like SQL injection, XSS, CSRF, session hijacking, and insecure direct object references. Each topic will be approached from the perspective of an attacker to see how these vulnerabilities are detected and exploited using several realistic examples.

Debugging Effectively

DrupalCon: Dublin 2016

Software bugs are inevitable; some are especially difficult to track down, causing you to waste countless hours before throwing your hands up in defeat. It doesn't have to be this way! The mental fatigue and wasted time can be avoided by using strategies like identifying the most-appropriate tool, taking a logical & objective approach, challenging assumptions, listening to variables, isolating the code path, and reinforcing code with automated tests.

CommonMark: Markdown Done Right

Nomad PHP

Markdown is one of the most popular markup languages on the Web. Unfortunately, with no standard specification, every implementation works differently, producing varying results across different platforms. The CommonMark specification fixes this by providing an unambiguous syntax specification and a comprehensive suite of tests. Attendees will learn about this standard and how to integrate the league/commonmark parser into their applications. We will also cover how to add new syntax and other features to the parser to fit your custom needs.

Debugging Effectively

Frederick Web Technology Group

Software bugs are inevitable; some are especially difficult to track down, causing you to waste countless hours before throwing your hands up in defeat. It doesn't have to be this way! The mental fatigue and wasted time can be avoided by using strategies like identifying the most-appropriate tool, taking a logical & objective approach, challenging assumptions, listening to variables, isolating the code path, and reinforcing code with automated tests.

Debugging Effectively

Dutch PHP 2016

Software bugs are inevitable; some are especially difficult to track down, causing you to waste countless hours before throwing your hands up in defeat. It doesn't have to be this way! The mental fatigue and wasted time can be avoided by using strategies like identifying the most-appropriate tool, taking a logical & objective approach, challenging assumptions, listening to variables, isolating the code path, and reinforcing code with automated tests.

Hacking Your Way To Better Security

Dutch PHP 2016

The goal of this talk is to educate developers on common security vulnerabilities, how they are exploited, and how to protect against them. We'll explore several of the OWASP Top 10 attack vectors like SQL injection, XSS, CSRF, session hijacking, and insecure direct object references. Each topic will be approached from the perspective of an attacker to see how these vulnerabilities are detected and exploited using several realistic examples.

Hacking Your Way To Better Security

php[tek] 2016

This talk educates developers on common security vulnerabilities, how they are exploited, and how to protect against them. We will explore several of the OWASP top 10 attack vectors, such as SQL injection, XSS, CSRF, and session hijacking. Each topic will be approached from the perspective of an attacker to learn how these vulnerabilities are detected and exploited using several realistic examples. We will then apply this knowledge to learn how web applications can be secured against such vulnerabilities.

CommonMark: Markdown Done Right

php[tek] 2016

Markdown is one of the most popular markup languages on the Web. Unfortunately, with no standard specification, every implementation works differently, producing varying results across different platforms. The CommonMark specification fixes this by providing an unambiguous syntax specification and a comprehensive suite of tests. Attendees will learn about this standard and how to integrate the league/commonmark parser into their applications. We will also cover how to add new custom features.

PHP 7 Crash Course

Lone Star PHP 2016

PHP 7 was recently released, bringing some much-desired changes and improvements to the language. However, many developers haven't had the opportunity to use it for their projects and may not be familiar with the changes it brings. We'll remedy this by checking out the new "spaceship operator," demonstrating how static type hints produce clean code, and using anonymous classes to quickly implement interfaces on the fly. Attendees will also learn about breaking changes and "gotchas" to watch out for when making the upgrade and will receive pointers on getting started with PHP 7 today.